Home furnaces may run into problems from time to time. When an error occurs, the furnace is set up to show a specific code that can help in solving the problem. Although there are many different furnace brands in the market, they mostly use similar error codes. These codes are usually listed on the back of the furnace blower door.
Goodman Furnace Error Codes and What They Mean
Light ON - No signal from thermostat - normal.
Light OFF - Control failure. No power.
One Flash - Ignition error (retries exceeded) 1 hour lockout.
Two Flashes - Pressure switch stuck closed.
Three Flashes - Pressure switch open.
Four Flashes - Open high limit.
Five Flashes - Flame sensed with gas valve off.
Six Flashes - Open rollout switch.
Seven Flashes - Low flame error.
Eight Flashes - Igniter error.
Nine Flashes - Open pressure switch on 2nd stage.
Continuous Flashing - Reversed polarity issue with 120v wiring.
Diagnosing and Fixing a Goodman Six Blinks Code
When your furnace shows the six blink error code, it can mean several things.
In most cases, the problem relates to power issues, suggesting that the polarity of your source of power is reversed or the power supply has been affected.
To be able to detect the exact problem, you should undergo a diagnosis process.
Step 1 - Power Down
Before you do anything else, turn off the goodman furnace and examine the primary power. If you are not sure how to check the voltage it's receiving, you may want to contact an electrician.
Step 2 - Disconnect Other Appliances
The next step you could take is disconnecting all other appliances that might be on the same circuit as the furnace.
While you're at it, check for any standing water in the area. Water contamination may also lead to a reverse in polarity.
Step 3 - Replace Circuit
The other option you want to try out is replacing the circuit breaker. A broken circuit breaker can lead to minimal power flowing to the outlet. As a result, the wall socket may be delivering less than the necessary 110 volts.
Further, a damaged circuit breaker could also affect the polarity of your power outlets. Make sure you check the circuit breaker and possibly replace it.
Check Flow Points
Blockages on the intake and outtake points in the house could lead to furnace problems. When there is high pressure in the system, error codes show up. Although the error code for high pressure is three blinks, six blinks may also be caused by high pressure.
Goodman Furnace FAQ
What Does a Blinking Red Light Mean on a Goodman Furnace?
The beauty of the Goodman furnace is that it is designed to self-diagnose. If the furnace has a problem, you can easily tell what the problem is by looking at the available lights.
The blinking lights represent various codes that can be vital in the interpretation of what the problem is. We have looked at the major light codes above that you can use to interpret the issues with your Goodman furnace. The most common error code is a single red flash. The single red flash will show up, and it will stay on. This happens when your furnace is not receiving a signal from the thermostat.
You may have a faulty thermostat, or your thermostat may not be receiving the required power. You want to check your thermostat wiring, fuse, and other aspects that could cause it to stop functioning accordingly.
How Do You Reset the Code on a Goodman Furnace?
Resetting your Goodman furnace might be necessary on a few occasions. If the furnace stops responding to commands, or displays several error codes that won't go off, you may have to reset the codes. To reset the code, power down and back up.
What Is Ignition Lockout on a Furnace?
Furnaces are designed to prevent fire or other hazards. To be able to do this, they have sensors that detect anomalies, triggering an automatic shutdown. The ignition lockout is the furnace controller. When the furnace detects an unsafe condition, the furnace will shut off power and fuel to stop any potential hazard. There are several sensors found in your furnace that can initiate ignition lockout.
In most cases, the furnace will go into the ignition lockout mode if a flame is detected. Issues with flame sensors, igniters, and limit switches are also likely to trigger ignition lockout. Below are the main issues you should look at in case your furnace starts ignition lockout.
Defective Flame Sensor
A defective flame sensor is the most common cause of ignition lockout. When the furnace starts, the sensors check for the presence of a flame. If the sensors are dirty or defective, they will fail to detect any flame.
This will be detected as an error, and the controller will consequently stop the ignition sequence. In most modern sensors, you will be allowed to start your furnace at least three times before it goes into the ignition lockout mode.
Faulty Igniter
If your furnace keeps on going into the ignition lockout mode, you may also want to look at the igniter. If the igniter won't ignite within a few seconds, the flame sensor won't detect any flame. As a result, the controller will stop the sequence due to the anomaly detected.
After two to three more attempts to start the igniter without success, the furnace will go into the ignition control mode. To be able to solve this problem, you will either have to replace your igniter or check and try to resolve any issues that are causing it not to work.
Limit Switch Response
The third cause of ignition lockout is the limit switch. The Goodman furnace comes with a limit switch that monitors heat exchange temperatures and fuel pressure.
The switch automatically closes when the temperature is too high, or the pressure is too low. When the switch shuts down, it sends a signal to the furnace, which prompts the ignition lockdown.
Although all these processes may seem frustrating, they are safety measures that are put in place by the furnace manufacturers. They ensure that any potential cause of a hazard is dealt with in time to avoid a fire or any other danger that could occur.
Do I Need to Turn the Gas off If Pilot Light Goes Out?
Whenever the pilot light goes out, there is a problem with your furnace. The thermocouple is responsible for regulating the gas flow. If the ignition light goes out, the thermocouple should instantly stop the gas from flowing out. However, this will only occur if the thermocouple is working well. Ideally, you should not worry so much if the pilot light goes out when you are away from home. Chances are that the thermocouple will have stopped the gas from flowing.
However, for purposes of assurance, it is important to countercheck just to confirm that the gas is locked. You do not want gas leaking into the room where the heater is located
Why Is My Pilot Light Not Staying Lit on My Furnace?
In the first place, you want to find out why the pilot light keeps going off. The pilot light usually goes off if there is a problem with gas supply or gas supply regulators. In other words, the thermocouple should be at the center of anything that happens to the pilot light. If dust builds up in the thermocouple blocking the sensors, there will be a problem with the pilot light. The flame sensors should be able to sense the heat from the pilot light.
If they do not, the thermocouple will block the flow of gas and hence stoping the pilot light. If your light keeps going off even after you have put it on, chances are that our thermocouple has a heat sensor problem To deal with this problem, start by cleaning your thermocouple and light the pilot light. If the problem persists, chances are that the entire thermocouple may need to be replaced.
Can I Relight My Own Pilot Light?
Yes, you can light your pilot light if it goes off. Without the pilot light, your furnace will not be able to produce heat since it will not ignite. In most cases, homeowners have the freedom to restart the pilot light.
How Can I Restart My Pilot Light?
Since there are many risks involved when dealing with a fire furnace, you should be very careful when restarting or resetting the pilot light. Before you restart it, you should first try and solve the problem that caused it to go off in the first place.
Once you have resolved the issues around your pilot light, follow these steps to relight it.
Start by turning your furnace off. You do not want to start working on your furnace when it is turned on due to the risks of electrocution.
Once your furnace is turned off, locate the gas and check to see that it is turned off. Now hold down the red button and light the pilot light. Once the light goes on, let go of the button and turn the gas back on. Turn your furnace back on, and everything will work just fine. In case your pilot light goes off again, chances are that the thermocouple has a problem that is preventing the continuous gas supply. You can replace the thermocouple or call experts.
Bottom Line
There are two primary causes of the six light blink error codes on the Goodman furnace. This error code also applies to other types of furnaces.
Once you determine the problem, you can take appropriate steps. For the fuse, the only solution is to replace it. In the case, of reversed polarity, explore the provided options. They include disconnecting other devices or switching the outlet source.
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