Engineering and Computer Science Minors (2024)

Engineering and Computer Science Minors (1)

Engineering and Computer Science Minors (2)

  • School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Undergraduate
    • Bioengineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Data Science
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Engineering Management
    • Engineering Physics
    • Mechanical Engineering
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    • Computer Science, MS
    • Data Science, MS
    • Engineering, MS
    • Cybersecurity, Online MS
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Add a Minor to your Degree

Many students enjoy completing a minor, either for the sake of complementing their major and professional aspirations, or simply for fulfillment. As your personal growth potential is so great while in college, this can be an opportune time to increase the number of tools in your tool chest as much as possible.

Computing technology is an integral part of many aspects of modern life, including business and research. The Computer Science minor provides students with a fundamental understanding of computers and computer applications that will enable them to make best use of computing in their chosen fields of endeavor.

Minor in Computer Science Requirements:Students must complete a minimum of 21 units and six courses in computing. Students must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 for all minor courses.

  • COMP 51 — Introduction to Computer Science
  • COMP 53 — Data Structures
  • One COMP course numbered 025 or higher
  • One COMP course numbered 047 or higher
  • Two COMP courses numbered 101 or higher

To apply for the Minor in Computer Science, or to request more information, contact Dr. Dan Cliburn, Chair of the Computer Science Department, at 209.946.2093 or at

Explore the Computer Science Minor

The Minor in engineering Management is designed for students completing an engineering degree who desire an understanding of management skills. Industry and the engineering societies encourage engineering students to have management skills because the average engineering graduate will be in some aspect of management within three to five years of graduation. The minor in Engineering Management is for students majoring in engineering who desire an understanding of management skills.

Minor in Engineering Management Requirements

In order to earn a minor in engineering management, students must complete a minimum of 20 units and 5 courses with a Pacific minor grade point average of 2.0.

  • BUSI 31 — Principles of Financial Accounting (4)
  • EMGT 170 — Project Decision Making (4)
  • EMGT 174 — Engineering Project Management (4)

One from the following

  • EMGT 176 — Engineering Systems (4)
  • BUSI 104 — Operations Management (4)

One other management course from the following

  • BUSI 33 — Principles of Management Accounting (4)
  • BUSI 100 — Management Information Systems
  • BUSI 105 — Financial Management (4)
  • BUSI 107 — Marketing Management (4)

Students minoring in Engineering Management must fulfill all prerequisites for the required courses. Careful selection of General Education courses can serve as these prerequisites. At least four of the courses in the 20-unit requirement must be taken at University of the Pacific. All courses must be taken for a letter grade with a minimum 2.0 GPA. To apply for the Minor in Engineering Management, please contact Dr. Abel Fernandez, Professor and Program Director, at 209-946-3061 or

Explore the Engineering Management Minor

The Minor in Environmental Engineering is intended for students in engineering who desire additional knowledge in the environmental or water resources engineering areas and whose current major is complementary to these topics.

The Minor in Environmental Engineering is not open to students pursuing the Civil Engineering degree.

For details on the Minor in Environmental Engineering or for more information, please contact Dr. Camilla Saviz at or 209.946.3077.

Minor in Environmental Engineering Requirements

To earn a Minor in Environmental Engineering, students must complete a minimum of 20 units and 5 courses, with a Pacific minor grade point average of 2.0. At least 10 units must be taken at Pacific.

Requirements of the Minor in Environmental Engineering are as follows

A. Required
  • CIVL 60 — (4) Water Quality
  • CIVL 132 — (4) Intro to Environmental Engineering
  • CIVL 130 — (3) Fluid Mechanics I
  • CIVL 130L — (1) Fluid Mechanics I Lab
B. Minimum of two additional courses related to environmental of water resources engineering
  • BENG 130 — (4) Biotransport
  • CIVL 133 — (4) Water Resources Engineering
  • CIVL 134 — (4) Groundwater
  • CIVL 136 — (4) Design of Water Quality Control Facilities
  • CIVL 138 — (4) Solid Waste Systems Design & Management
  • CIVL 171 — (3) Water and Environmental Policy
  • CIVL 173 — (3) Sustainable Engineering
  • MECH 155 (— 3) Solar Energy Engineering

Up to 3 units of related independent study, undergraduate research, or senior project may be used to meet requirements of the Minor in Environmental Engineering.

Explore the Environmental Engineering Minor

The Minor in Structural Engineering is intended for students in engineering who desire additional knowledge in the structural or geotechnical engineering areas and whose current major is complementary to these topics.

The Minor in Structural Engineering is not open to students pursuing the Civil Engineering degree.

For details on the Minor in Structural Engineering or for more information, please contact Dr. Camilla Saviz at or 209.946.3077.

Minor in Structural Engineering Requirements

To earn a Minor in Structural Engineering, students must complete a minimum of 20 units and 5 courses, with a Pacific minor grade point average of 2.0. At least 10 units must be taken at Pacific. Requirements of the Minor in Structural Engineering are as follows:

A. Required
  • ENGR 121 — (4) Mechanics of Materials
  • CIVL 100 — (4) Intro to Structural Engineering
B. One of the following structural design courses
  • CIVL 164 — (4) Structural Timber Design
  • CIVL 165 — (4) Structural Steel Design
  • CIVL 166 — (4) Reinforced Concrete Design
C. Minimum of two additional courses related to structural and/or geotechnical engineering
  • CIVL 140 — (4) Intro to Geotechnical Engineering
  • CIVL 141 — (4) Earth Structure Design
  • CIVL 145 — (4) Engineering Geology
  • CIVL 151 — (4) Heavy Construction Methods
  • CIVL 160 — (3) Structural Analysis
  • CIVL 163 — (3) Intro to Earthquake Engineering
  • CIVL 164 — (4) Structural Timber Design
  • CIVL 165 — (4) Structural Steel Design
  • CIVL 166 — (4) Reinforced Concrete Design
  • CIVL 173 — (3) Sustainable Engineering
  • EMGT 115 — (4) Building Information Modeling
  • ENGR 110 — (3) Instrumentation and Experimental Methods
  • MECH 129 — (3) Vibrations

Up to 3 units of related independent study, undergraduate research, or senior project may be used to meet requirements of the Minor.

Explore the Structural Engineering Minor

A Minor in Sustainability is suggested for students who desire an understanding of sustainability or those who anticipate working for trans-national or development organizations. The interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability is open to students of all majors. Sustainability requires that short and long-term social, economic, and environmental impacts of products and processes be considered. With globalization of the world's economies, continuing challenges with depletion of resources and increased global pollution, the well-being of society will require application of the principles of sustainability. The Minor in Sustainability is suggested for students who desire an understanding of sustainability or those who anticipate working for trans-national or development organizations. The interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability is open to students of all majors.

For details on the Minor in Sustainability or for more information, please contact Dr. Camilla Saviz at or 209.946.3077.

Minor in Sustainability Requirements

In order to earn a minor in sustainability, students must complete a minimum of 20 units with a Pacific minor grade point average of 2.0. Students must complete at least one course from each of categories A, B, and C:

A. Technology
  • CIVL 171 — (3) Water and Environmental Policy
  • CIVL 173 — (3) Sustainable Engineering
  • EMGT 176 — (4) Systems Engineering Management
  • MECH 155 — (4) Solar Energy Engineering
B. Economics and Society
  • ECON 071 — (4) Global Economic Issues
  • ECON 157 — (4) Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
  • GESC 103 — (4) Global Change
  • INTL 077 — (4) Contemporary World Issues
  • INTL 174 — (4) Global Environmental Policy
C. Environment and Ethics
  • BIOL 035 — (4) Environment: Concepts and Issues
  • BUSI 053 — (4) Legal and Ethical Environment of Business I-B
  • ENGL 126 — (4) Literature and the Environment-Diversity, III-C
  • GESC 043 — (4) Environmental Science for the Informed Citizen III-C
  • GESC 045 — (4) Soil, Water, and War III-C
  • HIST 136 — (4) American Environmental History
  • PHIL 035 — (4) Environmental Ethics II-B
  • SOCI 111 — (4) Environment and Society - Diversity, III-B

Explore the Sustainability Minor

A Minor in Technology is designed to complement a non-engineering degree by adding some exposure to the elements oftechnology that are shaping the 21st Century.

This minor is open to non-engineering students only. Engineering and technology are integral parts of many careers and fields of study. As "technology" has become so prevalent in our lives and careers, more and more companies are demanding that their employees have working knowledge in such areas as design, graphics, communications, hardware and software advances, etc. Consequently, college students majoring in non-technical disciplines would be well advised to consider taking advantage of technology-related courses to bolster their knowledge and awareness in any of these areas. In order to provide a structure and formal recognition towards this end, Pacific offers a Minor in Technology.

The Technology Minor provides an introduction to various aspects of engineering and technology which will strengthen a student's employment qualifications. The University offers a number of engineering and technology-related courses which are basic enough in their content that non-engineering students can enjoy enrollment without intimidation. Phrases like "The Age of Technology" and "Information era" reflect the demand for professionals with more knowledge about engineering and technology. The student who takes advantage of this structured approach to additional studies will likely enjoy much greater job and salary recognition upon college graduation.

For more information, contact Dr Gary Martin 209.946.3064 or visit him on campus in the Chambers Technology Center (CTC) 104 with any questions.

Minor in Technology Requirements

  • Student must not be majoring in engineering.
  • Student must complete a program, approved by the minor advisor, consisting of a minimum of twenty units with a minimum of five courses from the attached list. A minimum of twelve units must be taken at Pacific.
  • Courses that count toward a minor cannot be taken on a "pass/no credit" basis.
  • Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in a minor program.

Course requirements include

A minimum of three courses from the School of Engineering & Computer Science (i.e., CIVL, ECPE, EMGT, ENGR, or MECH department prefixes), adding up to a minimum of eight units. (It is strongly recommended that students take ENGR 10 as one of these three classes. This course is intended for the freshman year.)

Explore the Technology Minor

The Minor in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship is designed to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and prepare students for the modern multi-disciplinary workplace. Existing and new businesses are increasingly based on new products, processes and services derived from the realms of engineering and science. These organizations are unique in their time frame, level of uncertainty and risk, management, and often in the investment of time and resources required for success.Our students need to be able to integrate the unique needs of scientific and engineering research with business, to learn what business and technical functions bring to the table, and to gain skills in communicating the potential of research and development based innovations and start-ups in both verbal and written form.The interdisciplinary Minor in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship is open to students of all majors.

Minor in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Requirements

In order to earn a minor in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, students must complete a minimum of 20 units with a Pacific minor grade point average of 2.0.

  • EMGT 142 — Design and Innovation (4)
  • ENGR 150 — Engineering and Science-Based Entrepreneurship (4)

Select 12 units of the following

  • BENG 108 — Engineering Physiology
  • BENG 195 — Senior Project
  • CIVL 015 — Civil Engineering Graphics
  • CIVL 173 — Sustainable Engineering
  • CIVL 180 — Engineering Synthesis
  • COMP 127 — Web Applications
  • COMP 129 — Software Engineering
  • COMP 135 — Human-Computer Interface Design
  • COMP 155 — Computer Simulation
  • COMP 159 — Computer Game Technologies
  • COMP 195 — CS Senior Project
  • ECPE 172 — Microcontrollers
  • ECPE 174 — Advanced Digital Design
  • ECPE 195 — Senior Project I
  • ECPE 196 — Senior Project II
  • EMGT 170 — Project Decision Making
  • EMGT 174 — Engineering Project Management
  • EMGT 195 — Engineering Management Synthesis
  • MECH 015 — Mechanical Engineering Graphics
  • MECH 100 — Manufacturing Processes
  • MECH 140 — Engineering Design/Senior Project I
  • MECH 141 — Engineering Design/Senior Project II

For more information about the minor in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, please contact Program Director, Dr. Mehdi Khazaeli at or 209.946.3074.

Explore the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Minor

Engineering and Computer Science Minors (2024)


Is a computer science minor good enough? ›

It helps you gain basic programming knowledge. Even if your desired career path in the IT field doesn't focus on coding, you may have to perform computer coding tasks occasionally, and having a minor in computer science can provide you with basic coding skills.

Is a minor in computer engineering useful? ›

The purpose of the Minor in Computer Engineering is to give students who are interested in computer technology a good basic background in software development, digital electronics, computer organization, and microprocessor applications.

Can you do anything with a computer science minor? ›

You can choose any career field, and a computer science minor will help you stand out. Why? Because a computer science minor isn't simply about coding, databases, hardware and software. It's about problem-solving.

Can I major in computer science and minor in engineering? ›

An engineering minor can help CS majors stand out on the job market, especially if you're interested in careers in software engineering. Many colleges offer engineering minors in computer engineering or electrical engineering.

What is the most useful minor? ›

Here are some of the best subjects for college students to minor in.
  1. Business Administration. ...
  2. Business Management. ...
  3. Creative Writing. ...
  4. English Language. ...
  5. Political Science. ...
  6. Foreign Language. ...
  7. Healthcare. ...
  8. Data Science.

Can I get a software job with a minor in computer science? ›

In other cases, a software developer might create the underlying systems which control networks or run devices. Although some employers might require software developers to possess a major in computer science in order to obtain employment, the minor in computer science may oftentimes suffice as sufficient education.

What minor complements computer science? ›

Philosophy. The Philosophy minor can serve as an excellent complement to a computer science degree. Philosophy, much like computer science, is often based on logic and critical thinking. A philosophy minor can help students develop a greater understanding of human behavior and ethics.

What is the best minor for a software engineer? ›

Popular Minors for Software Engineers
  • Mathematics. A minor in Mathematics is highly beneficial for Software Engineers, as it strengthens problem-solving skills and analytical thinking. ...
  • Business Administration. ...
  • Cybersecurity. ...
  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Artificial Intelligence.

Can a minor degree get you a job? ›

Will a minor help you land a job after graduation? Probably not. Most hiring managers don't look for specific minors (or even majors, in many cases) when evaluating job applicants.

What does a minor in computer science look like? ›

The requirements focus on programming methodology and skills, computer organization, relevant mathematical skills, structure techniques, laboratory courses with programming projects, and design and analysis of algorithms.

Is a minor in physics useful for computer science? ›

Some good disciplines for minor complement Computer Science degree include math, communications, business, psychology, physics and even biology.

Is computer science a good minor for economics? ›

These skills can teach students how to collect data for a variety of applications and how to interpret the information. A minor in data science can help economics majors gain practical skills that they can use to collect and analyze economic data.

Which major is harder computer science or engineering? ›

The difficulty of each degree depends on the individual's strengths and interests. Both programs are challenging and require a strong foundation in mathematics and science. Computer science may seem harder if you prefer hands-on work, while computer engineering may be tougher if you're more inclined towards software.

Can I study computer science and engineering together? ›

>> Good to know: If you plan to study abroad in the United States, some Computer Science schools offer the opportunity to study a double major in both Computer Science and Engineering. It's a great way to make the best of both worlds, but it's also more challenging than a regular degree.

Is a computer science and engineering degree worth IT? ›

One of the reasons computer science degrees tend to be so valuable is because of their versatility across in-demand fields. These degree programs can lay the foundation for careers in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, cloud computing, robotics, and even video game design.

Is a 3.5 in computer science good? ›

Keep it up, stay motivated and graduate with a 3.3-3.5 (very possible). You will be fine and computer science is a very desirable major. If you had below a 3.0, that might eliminate you from a larger number of jobs, but this is clearly not the case. Keep trying to increase it but I think 3.0 is a cut off for many jobs.

Is a computer science degree good enough? ›

BS or MS degrees in computer science are just a dime a dozen, countless people have them yet cannot stand out in the job market. In fact, IT employers often look for people with excellent tech skills regardless of whether they possess a higher degree in computer science or other tech-related fields.

Is computer science a respectable major? ›

Majoring in computer science can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen valuable skills while leading to several in-demand career possibilities. Computer science can be a good major when you're looking for strong career prospects after graduation and opportunities to develop numerous skills.


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.