Troubleshooting Your Goodman Heat Pump (2024)

Has your heat pump been acting up again? Is it not cycling correctly or does it just not run? This article offers expert advice on how to troubleshoot and fix your Goodman heat pump problems.

Troubleshooting Your Goodman Heat Pump (1)We detail the steps you need to take in troubleshooting common heat pump problems as well as how you can do the repairs yourself without having to engage an HVAC professional. This article will deal with how to troubleshoot improper heating, cycling, cooling, and freezing up as well as blower noises and other issues.For heat pumps that require a restart at low temperatures, you will need to go through the owner’s manual. With models that have a system selector switch, you will need to switch to emergency heat and check after 6 hours. Afterward, you can switch back to the normal setting.If the heat does not come on even when the thermostat is set above room temperature then you probably have a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker.

Issue #1: Goodman Heat Pump Won’t Run

In case your heat pump is not working at all, the problem is usually with the unit receiving power or with the thermostat.Troubleshooting Your Goodman Heat Pump (2)Here is what you need to do:Step 1: Ensure that you have the thermostat set to the proper controls, that is, if you need more heat you should indicate “Heat” as well as the temperature you need the room to be.If you recently had the thermostat changed, it might be that you got the wrong type of thermostat installed. Heat pumps require a heat pump thermostat. Alternatively, it might be the case that your thermostat was wired incorrectly.When a heat pump thermostat is wired improperly, it fries electric components causing the heat pump not to run at all.Step 2:If none of the above is the case, check to see if your heat pump is receiving power. It’s possible that the circuit breakers that are responsible for protecting the electrical circuits to the heat pump and the air handler have been tripped.To confirm if this is the case, check the main electrical panel as well as other subpanels that may power your heat pump. In case, the circuit breaker has been tripped, reset it by flipping the switch to OFF then back to ON. If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, then the fault is with the electrical system powering the furnace that is why it keeps shorting.You will need to call an electrician.Step 3:Ensure that your heat pump is connected to a switch either inside the air handler cabinet or on the wall near the unit and that it is turned ON. If it is switched OFF flip the switch back ON and wait a few minutes for the air handler to power up.Step 4:Most heat pumps usually have electrical components that provide supplemental heat. Sometimes the fuses or circuit breakers that protect the heating elements may have blown or tripped.You should call a heating repair technician.

Issue #2: Goodman Heat Pump neither Heats Nor Cools Correctly

Step 1: Confirm that the thermostat is set properly. Raise the set temperature 5 degrees F then give it a few minutes to see if it works.Step 2: Ensure that the room registers are open.Step 3: Inspect your heat pump filter to see if there is any build up that has accumulated. If so, you need to change your heat pump filter.Step 4:Not all heat pumps have auxiliary heating elements most though do. If yours does, check to see if they are in perfect working condition.Step 5: Ensure that your HVAC’s outdoor condensing unit has clean coils.If after doing all these you find that your heat pumps still will not cool nor heat correctly, you need to call an HVAC technician.

Issue #3: Trips Breaker or Freezes Up

In cold weather, the heat pump turns on regularly to melt the ice. If you notice that the heat pump’s condenser unit is frozen and the defrost cycle is not melting the ice when turned on, you need to switch it off.Check the condenser’s filter to confirm that it is not clogged as well as making certain that none of the return air registers are blocked.If neither of these is the case maybe your condenser needs servicing. You should call an HVAC technician.

Issue #4: Goodman Heat Pump Blower Doesn’t Run

One of two things usually causes this:

  • The limit switch on the heat pump
  • Wall-mounted thermostat

The heat pump’s limit switch is designed to turn off the heat pump when the air in the plenum (a box that distributes heated air to ducts) overheats.Check the thermostat to see if the fan switch has been turned ON. If this is the case, you will need to turn it to AUTO or OFF. If the switch is already set to AUTO or OFF, you will need to call an HVAC professional to adjust the heat pump’s switch limit.Troubleshooting Your Goodman Heat Pump (3)Generally, Goodman heat pumps are considered the best in the market. See the variable speed 5 TON 14 SEER Goodman Heat Pump.

Troubleshooting Your Goodman Heat Pump (2024)


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